Henrichs & Korte:
Henrichs property was
existence in 1550 a cut, which was part pf Johann v. Schnellenberg’s of Schoenholthausen larger estate, which he had
used these cuts so far, were then added.
Thus the cut moved into
the number of the largest yards (farms). As first tenant is Jacob Schotteler for the time of 1535 to 1550 to be proven, which
was Eigenhoeriger of the pc. of Antonius altar to Attendorn, during his wifeChristian von Plettenberg to Lenhausenbeings.
In the year 1563 Henrich, was now called Johann of Deutmecke. Henrich stature then perhaps decreased and goes back to the yard (farm) name Henrichs. It is
this Henrichs that is associated with the property that dates back to 1330 (not neccisarily the Korte family who lived on
the property later and used the Henrichs name. In the year 1589 Johann von Schnellenberg
leases his hereditary yard in Deutmecke, which he so far had, for 8 years at Ernst, Hindrich Johanns son, and his wife Sophia
Figgen of Schoenholthausen . The lease determined up: 10 Malter hard grain, 1 Malter one grain, 5 Malter oats, the secondarybest
pig, 9 chickens, a goose (if the tenant such holds), 1 Pound wax, 1 Pound hemp, 7 Fuder wood drive, 2 days long muck drive,
50 eggs, 1 Reichstaler yard money, two good Fuder hay prepare, on which so-called large meadow with Grotebeul, Johann on the
Becke and Smid from Shoenholthausen did harvest hay, on its pasture reasons v. Schnellenbergs cattle grazing. A witness: Minister
Heinrich von Plettenberg, Hermann von Schnellenberg, Thomas RAM, Hans Funcke. In the year 1617 and 1621 Johann Henrichs called
, the treasure register of 1633 and the examination list from the same year showed for the first time Johann Korte, So that he was the first Korte on the Henrichs yard (farm)
and will see more. The later registers call: 1649 Johann Korte, Bernhard, who is buried at the house, with his wife Gretha
and son Johann; 1664 Bernt (Bernhard?) Korte; 1685 Peter Korte, his wife Clara
and his son Johann; 1717 Peter Korte, his wife, his son Johann Engelbert and wife, a daughter of age. Bernt Korte and his
wife are on January 31st,1669 witnesses to a thing (???), from which
it seems to come out that the woman from Fretter owns a share (of the farm). Peter Korte steps in during the years 1686, 1689
and 1695 using the name Peter Henrichs and is officially recorded December 30th,1717 and acknowledges Peter Korte
and his wife Klara that the Schoenholthauser minister gave them 24 Taler in memorial funds (money), after the deaths of Peter
Spielmann of Roenkhausen and Tonnes Alckmann, shepherd are due to Bausenrode.
Witnesses: Peter’s son Johann Engelbert Korte and Johann Ebert Kayser
of Schoenholthausen, Johann Engelbert Korte married 1712 Catharina Boge from Duenschede (these were Johan Jodokus Korte-Kraushaar’s parents), Johann
Engelbert Korte died in 1727 and Catharina married Anton Spielmann, man from the town Borbecke (between Roenkhausen and Lenhausen)
in 1729. The inheritance however went to Elbe RTS Sohn Johann Jodokus Korte. His descendants
remained in the possession of the yard (farm). - property value in the year 1806: 405 Reichstaler.941 livestocks in the year
1808: 2 horses, 7 cows, 6 cattle, 16 sheep, 1 goat, 5 Schweine.942 Franz Anton Korte loosened 1875 to the Allerheiligen Vikarie
the Attendorn, church, Pastorat, sexton's office and school to paying deliveries, which amounted to annually 110.86 Marks,
with 2771,58 Marks paid off.
Henrichs property in
exsistance around 1550 a cut, which however by Johann v. Schnellenberg to Schoenholthausen larger Laendereien, which had used
these so far, were then added.
Before beginning of our
record keeping Kraushaar and Rinken yards (farms) seem to have been combined and are actually one and the same. The register
developed around 1550 says clearly that Jacob Kraushaarr -has TWO yards (farms): one belongs to Hermann von Schnellenberg
of Schoenholthausen, the other one to All Holy in Attendorn, Of which the parish church in Schoenholthausen had substantial
rights, so that the minister could rename in the year 1786 a part of Kraushaar yard as the Rinken Pastoratguetchen specified
and Johannes Kraushaar forced judicially the publication of the following pieces:
the barn together with adjacent building, on to the water and Henrichs garden yard, the whole Leinkamps, the fourth part of
the Kraushaar Marks and the quarter part of the wooded mountain. Because of a debt of 200 Reichstalern, Kraushaar still had some other estate transfers, from all
these pieces the Rinke property was formed, and on February 17th, 1788 the minister Matthias Poeggeler leased again.
The size of the Guetchens amounted to 39 ½ Scheffel a seed and a truck hay wax. The lease amounted to 10 ½ Reichstaler. Minister
Matthias Poeggeler had Anna Clara Moeddern from Weringhausen married and first also there used. Rinken Guetchen inherited
Johann Peter, who 1811 into Maria Therese Wichtman-Steckebrock from Deutmecke married from it his son. - property value in
the year 1806: 45 Reichstaler. Livestocks in the year 1808: 1 ox, 2 cows, 1 Ziege.
in the year 1524 possessed Heineman Cruisshair (Kraushaar) 10 Malter country, thus about 12 hectacres. In the year 1535 Heinman
Rincke called to January18th,1540 leases Johann Loer, Vizekurat of the church in Schoenholthausen, at Hermann v. Schnellenberg
daselbst a small Guetchen to Deutmecke, on which at present Heineman Rincke sits. A witness: Thonies Hunoltz, Hans Scheppen
1543 and 1550
RD Jacob Krausshar called,
to January 20th,1557 is Heineman Rincke Zeuge the treasury register of 1563 calls Jacob, now called Heineman Krusshar. Engelbert v. Schnellenberg of Schoenholthausen
leases his hereditary yard in Deutmecke for 8 years at Heinemann Cruisshair (Kraushaar)
and his wife Judith. The lease amounts to: 2 ½ Malter hard grain, 5 Malter oats, the secondarybest pig, 5 chickens, 6 days
horse service. A witness: Thonniges in the Wichteman in the year 1582 leasing for the same tenant erneuert. Grete, Heineman
Krushairs (Kraushaar) sister, marries 1567 (or 1561) Jacob Sommerhof of Ostentrop. In the year 1617 for the first time Richard
Krushaar (Kraushaar) called to April 17th,1629 shifts Bernhard Heinrich von Schnellenberg of Schoenholthausen the
Johann Stael von Holstein daselbst, who it owes 400 Reichstaler, which Kraushaar yard farm) lives, on the Richard Kraushaar.
A witness: Bernhard Christoph Vogt von Elspe to borrowing living, Peter Kerckhoff to Ostentrop. Hermanna Margarethe Stael
von Holstein, a daughter Johanns, which married Johann Adam von Bruch to Fredeburg, received this mortgage bond as a dowry
among other things also. Estimiert at the opportunity the yard (farm) of the Scheffen Rotger Krengel, transferred to the Leibel and Anton Moller, because it again leased sollte
and the last tenant was Engelbert Kraushaar with his wife Gretha been, the 1649 still mentioned warden Johann Adam v. Bruch
and his wife Hermanna Margarethe Stael v. Holstein lease the yard until March 19th, 1662 for seven years at Johann
v. Weuspert. The lease amounts to 15 ½ Reichstaler. Hermanna Margarethes brother-in-law v. Hoerde of Schoenholthausen redeemed
those pledges on Kraushaar yard (farm) around 1670. Tenant is around this time Hans Kraushaar. In the year 1685 are called:
Johann Kraushaar and his wife Lisa. Until March 6th 1693 borrows Johann
Arnold v. Hoerde of Schoenholthausen of Johann Adolf v. Plettenberg to Lenhausen 430 Reichstaler and pawns to it the Kraushaar the yard, on its resolves those to inheriting Bernhard Heinrich v. Schnellenberg has
does without to muessen however announces William Karl Friedrich Adolf v. Schnellenberg, the last one of its trunk, to March
1st, 1743 the intention, the yard (farm) again einzuloesen obvious from this however nothing became. - the treasure
register of 1717 calls as an inhabitant of the yard: Kraushaar, his wife and its sisters Clara and Marika, as well as his
brothers Johann (of age) and Engelbert. It is of great importance and should be known Anton Kraushaar, who married in 1712
Anna Gertrud Willecke from Fretter. His hereditary daughter Maria Elisabeth Kraushaar married 1739 Johann Jodocus Korte Henrichs
from Deutmecke (who took the Kraushaar name). Anton then borrowed on June 25th,1757
from Philipp Kallenstein of Schoenholthausen 200 Reichstaler, pays it immediately back on June 25th, 1757 and acknowledges at the same time that he borrowed it for the purpose by minister Midderhoff of Schoenholthausen,
to have inheritance for (son-in-law) Johann Jodocus Korte Kraushaar his (future) son Johann Herman Kraushaar, who married
around 1768 Anna Catharina Schmittgen from Elspe. In the year 1786 they still lived on the yard, which was made smaller in
this year as portions became Rincke farm. Between 1786 and 1790 Johan Jodokus (and apparently his son Johann Herman Kraushaar
& families) emigrated to Hungary, after he had sold the yard (farm) to the Kremer family of Schoenholthausen (EDITOR’S
NOTE: This conflicts with death records in Hatzfeld, Hungary now called Jimbolia,Romania, that state Johan Jodokus Kraushaar
died there on January 2nd, 1779). From 1790 to 1806 Johann William Knoche from Eslohe with his wife Maria Anna
Voss, a native from Altenilpe lived as tenants on the farm, which was sold briefly
to Christoph Sommerhoff Lennemann from Habbecke (but it was returned) as Christoph married 1819 Anna Gertrud Engelman from
Fretter. The yard (farm) was then further-left in the female line and decendants (of Kraushaar-Wichtman) still live there
Cattle, 2 sheep, 1 goat,
1 Schwein.974 in the year 1875 replaced Anton yielding man Kraus hair the deliveries to the choir chapter Attendorn with 398,50
Yielding man Kotten originally belonged to the family v. Ostentrop,
turned into however the year ago 1617 into the possession of the family von Schnellenberg of Schoenholthausen. The inhabitants
of the cuts were Eigenhoerige of the parish church to Schoenholthausen first admitted tenants are: 1535 Peter, 1543 Peter
in the Wichten, 1550 Peter , to 1563 Thonnis Wichte toAugust 15th 1588 minister and Provisoren hand of Schoenholthausen
its own Jacob Wichteto Ostentrop son, at Christoph von Plettenberg of Lenhausen. Until May 24th, 1608 leave minister
Heinrich von Plettenberg and the Schoenholthauser the Provisoren Johann Wichtman of Deutmecke, Johann Wichte of Lenhausen,
Jacob Schmidt of Ostentrop at Christian von Plettenberg of Lenhausen, her own Katharina, daughter of the deceased Johann of
Ostentrop, the Heinrich Quyter to Roenkhausen heiratet. to August 11th, 1622 occupied Adam Dietrich Rump to the
Wenne the Johann Bernhard von Schnellenberg of Schoenholthausen with Wichtmans yard too Ostentrop. a Belehnung for the same
Wichtman yard did not take place toAugust 27th,1659 any older message by means of any leaning quality of the yard
is missing there, can for above Belehnungen explanations be given. It could be accepted only that the family possessed von,
Ostentrop, who held different Lehen of the Mariengradenstifts to Cologne also Wichtmans yard (farm) as such Lehen and finally
at pin resigned, that now its excellent Lehnsman already. Since centuries from
the family Rump originated to Wenne, with Wichtman yard belehnte. Rump passed
it on - like all Lehen of the Mariengradenstiftes (founders)- as Afterlehen. - to March 5th, 1633 Johann Wichtman
went to the war service eingezogen as was called: 1649 Wecht Hans and his wife Gretha; 1664 Jacob Wichtman; 1685 Hans's Wichtman
and his wife Lise; 1717 Wichtman with a woman and parents, both in the year 1717 pairs specified carried the names Johann
and Catharina after the Schoenholthauser church books. The recent pairs hereditary daughter Elizabeth married 1724 Johann
Jasper from Niedermelbecke .His son Johann Friedrich, married with Elizabeth Schroeder from Ostentrop, was recorded excluding
the name Wichtman. Its descendants remained in the possession of the yard (farm). - property value in the year 1806: 690 Reichstaler.899
livestocks in the year 1808: 1 horse, 3 cows, 2 cattle, 5 sheep, 1 goat, 3 Schweine.900
Now here is more information I have recently uncovered:
This is an excerpt from pages 73-77:
Pfarrarchiv S c h ö n h o l t h a u s e n
Angelegt von
Dr. jur.
Alfred Cohausz
(The Schoenholthausen Parish Archives)
This legal and church involved proceeding could have something to do with some Deutmecke Kraushaar’s leaving
Germany and moving to the Banat in Hungary to homestead, as this document appears there was some turmoil surrounding the Kraushaar
farm and the sub-dividing of it in 1786 (the year Johann immigrated to the Banat to homested), perhaps due to this debt. Although research indicates that some Kraushaar’s remained in Deutmecke on the
farm which was retained by Anna Maria Kraushaar-Steckbrock (another daughter of Anton Kraushaar), however it was reduced in
1786 August 23. Johannes Kraushaar in Deutmecke compared documents with minister Bertram in Schoenholthausen
Volume 2 - 75 - over the Rinckeguetchen, from which the Pastor demands a delivery and had a complaint. Kraushaar gives up
for the paying off of all requirements: a) Barn together with yard to the stream and the Henrichs garden. b) the Leinkamp,
c) ¼ in the Mark, d) ¼ of the Junckholz with the gluing to loads. He signs then leaves the free court broke and confirms. Judicial execution with signature and seal of the kurfuerstlichen judge Hoeynck. Attached:
The Minister Toellmann leases everything with different plots ( see the following document of same day) that Mathias Poeggeler,
may re-do the barn at his own expense and changes to the house and 10 ½ Tollar. The lease must pay and the profit money of 1 Tollar (Dollar). The Minister of Desks notes that only 4.7 Tollar of the lease
of the Pastor and 4 Tollar to the church were paid. 1786 August 23. Johannes
Kraushaar of Deutmecke professes himself of documents to the old debt of 100 Tollar, each with that volume 2 the Pastor and church and signs it on August 23 in 1786. Johannes Kraushaar of Deutmecke admits 100 tollar
of the documents parish church and Pastorat. to volume owe 2, for which 3 Scheffel on the Fohenfuhr, in the same way on the
Dufenschlade, 3 ½ Scheffels, in the Vossmecke with the meadow beside it, a truck hay stature largely, 6 Scheffels behind the
Reitzebeil, 6 Scheffels am(?) Hageberg under the seed mountain, in the same way in the Brauteri-76 - schem mountain, 12 Scheffels.
Oats country on the carrot stone together with Heidland and all loads retired. He then signs and lets the contract judicially
confirm. Managing the original..
* Note: This debt may have stemmed from the extraordinary dowry of his Aunt Maria Catharina Kraushaar (sister of Maria
Elizibeth and daughter of Anton Kraushaar) when she married Wilhelm Vigener in Attendorn November 13, 1753. I am told this by the current owners of the Kraushaar farm, themselves Kraushaar descendants, who
also told me the farm was then in debt for decades after the dowry and the court case went on for years and years until it
was finally settled by Johann Kraushaar in 1786.